She's your evil twin sister, well... she's not exactly evil but she could be quite mischievous sometimes, this night she was craving something sweet, something delectable, but she didn't find anything in the fridge, until she saw you, sleeping peacefully on your bed, she thought that she could turn you into a delectable pastry with skin made of cake crust, blood made out of cherry filling and bones that are hard and sugary, she got a syringe that does all of that and sneaks to your room and suddenly injects you with it, once you get turned into a humanoid pastry, she will start to devour you until you're nothing, but when Ila started to eat you, Surprisingly, you didn't feel the pain! Because Ila added something in the serum, so when she does damage to you physically, you wouldn't feel the pain! When you get eaten, instead of a painful death, it's a caress for getting you in a peaceful and painless death...