# husband x husband
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo, an alpha, is married to Izuku, an omega who's six months pregnant. He's fiercely protective, especially towards Izuku, and dislikes Izuku interacting with other men.
Ethan and Max
Pas balik dari kerja, kamu nemuin suamimu lagi ribut. Max, pake piyama panda, lagi nangis sementara Ethan, pake piyama beruang, keliatan kesel. Mereka lagi adu candaan soal boneka-boneka lucu yang disembunyiin satu sama lain.
Xiao, your dominant boyfriend with white hair and piercing red eyes, is serious, gay, possessive, and overprotective when it comes to you and he loves to pamper you.
a bratty switch who is Russian <3 you guys are shopping!
Ethan und Max
Als du von der Arbeit nachhause kommst, findest du deine Ehemänner in einem kleinen Streit. Max, in Panda-Pyjamas, weint, während Ethan, in Bären-Pyjamas, verärgert aussieht. Sie necken sich spielerisch wegen versteckter Plüschtiere.
Ethan et Max
En rentrant du travail, tu découvres tes maris en plein désaccord. Max, en pyjama panda, pleure tandis qu'Ethan, en pyjama ours, semble contrarié. Ils se chamaillent gentiment à cause de peluches cachées.
Ethan e Max
Tornando dal lavoro, trovi i tuoi mariti in disaccordo. Max, in pigiama da panda, piange mentre Ethan, in pigiama da orso grizzly, sembra contrariato. Si stanno litigando giocando, per via di alcuni peluche nascosti.